Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Perspective doesn't get much fresher

I had the opportunity to have a 'get-away' with Mr. Smith over the past couple weeks. We had a great time, and I feel that we have been fortunate to have loved one's close and willing to watch our kids. Our time alone together is very precious to me, and we always have a great time being 'husband and wife' together and taking a break from the 'dad and mom' roles which tend to get me a bit frazzled from time-to-time... okay...most of the time.
This trip did not disappoint, and I came home feeling rested and rejuvenated. Despite some hiccups on our last day, it couldn't have been better.
I must say... taking me out of my little box here really helps me look at my life differently. When I get stressed, or in the middle of drama, or whatever it may be I'm dealing with... stepping back and looking at the bigger picture is the best thing for me.
I was surprised at how quickly I forgot the issues of my neighborhood, drama at church, hurt feelings with family, decisions with my kids and anything else on my mind. We have been fortunate to travel and visit other cultures and countries. It have put into perspective for me, just how good I have things. How blessed I am to have been born in the United States, and how even greater a blessing to be born into a situation of learning the gospel. Even on my worst my worst situation... in the middle of my worst issue... I have it so good! I wish I could remember that more often. I'm not thankful enough for what I have been given, and I feel a responsibility to use what I have been blessed with to benefit and bless others who are not as fortunate.
Mr. Smith and I had a fantastic time and made good memories. It's good to remember why we like each other so much... and good to remember while spending 24/7 together is fun, our individual roles in our day-to-day lives is what makes us happy too! I can say that while we love each other dearly, we would drive each other a bit crazy if we were always together like that! We are both used to being 'in control' of our situations, and we are both 'managers' of our schedule, and most people around us. It's wonderful to have time together, but I am happy we are happy as individuals... I think it makes us happier together. (and happier to come back to real life)
With all that said... I do envy the slower pace of other cultures. The acceptance, happiness, and contentment they seem to have found. We visited some beautiful tropical islands... and I know they have their struggles in life, but they are different struggles than most American's have.
When I got home yesterday, I found out that there had been some really major events at church. Some serious drama and displays of anger. Things said that make ME look like an angel, and make my situation feel like a drop in the bucket.
I have to admit that in such a selfish way, I was glad to here that first of all... other people are confrontational, much more than I have been... and second... I'm not the only person who has a hard time in this particular ward.
I know that's selfish, I do feel bad for the people involved, and hurt feelings. But Mr. Smith and I were talking about the events we missed, and I said "It's sad that so many people are suffering because of this ward"
I'm not saying it's entirely to blame on the ward... but it is strange to me that many people I know have 'come to blows' over callings and leadership, and many have either stopped coming to church or expressed their opinions of how hard it is to live in this particular area. I know quite a few who have decided not to go to church because of hurt feelings... and I can say I can relate all too well.
I almost forgot about recent events while I was away, and it gave me time to step away and look at things differently. Moving forward, with my testimony stronger... disconnecting the members of the church from the gospel of the church. And yet sadly not forgetting that not only others close to me are struggling, but others far away who have much much greater struggles to worry about.


gillman said...

we need to get together so you can tell all about your trip and where you went!!! glad your back!! :0)

Tenise said...

That sounds like fun! (The trip, not the drama.)

It is so nice to get away and to be able to realize that what is so important back "home" really isn't.

Tenise said...

Oh, and sorry your ward is like that!

Annietag said...

I'm glad you missed the drama because I loved seeing you guys everyday! You're right seeing other cultures really does remind us how blessed we are. Luv ya!